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Q: What is the conflict between scar and simba is considered what kind of conflict?
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The civil war soldiers viewed the war between the North and South as a new kind of conflict because it was the first war Between the States.

What kind of conflict is between characters and their thoughts?

This is known as internal conflict. This sort of conflict faces the character with a choice: "should he kill her or spare her?" It also represents a crumbling of the characters sanity or foundation.

Who is the war between in Breaking Dawn?

Bella, Edward and the volturi. The volturi wants Bella to change into a vampire. It is actually not a war. But it is kind of a fight or a conflict between them.

What are some qualities of Simba and Nala in the movie The Lion King?

Mufasa possessed being a kind father, a wise king, a great teacher, a noble protector, and a heartwarming character.

What kind of conflict do inflexibility a win-lose perspective characterize?

Inflexibility and a win-lose perspective typically characterize a competitive or adversarial conflict style. This approach focuses on individual goals and outcomes, often at the expense of cooperation and collaboration with others. It can lead to escalated tensions and difficulties in finding mutually beneficial solutions.

What is the meaning of a confliot in a story?

The conflict is the main problem of the story. It can either be between characters, between a character and their surroundings, or a struggle a character has with themself.

What kind of conflict does Brutus encounter in Act V?

Brutus clashes with Antony after Caesar's murder. Cassius and Antony are friends after the murder.

How do you make a sentence using the word conflict?

I really want to take that new psychology course, but the schedule would conflict with my creative writing class.The conflict between the two managers ended only when one of them was reassigned to one of our other stores downtown.The conflict between Muslims and Christians has been going on for over a thousand years now.Devout Christians are extremely reluctant to accept evolution as fact because of the unavoidable conflict between it and the story of Creation that the Bible tells us.He hates conflict of any kind, but he will stand up for himself when it is truly important.

What is the name of the hunter that shot Simba's father?

Simba's father was killed in a stampede of wildebeest. simba had strayed too close to a wilde beest stampede and Mufasser tried to protect his son but unfortunately he was pushed off the ledge by his brother Scar.

What kind of theorist was albion w small?

Albion W. Small was a sociologist known for his work in developing sociology as an academic discipline in the United States. He is considered a pioneer in the field of sociology, particularly for his emphasis on empirical research and scientific methodology in studying society.

What is the name of the meerkat in ''The Lion King''?

His name was Pumbaa. He is a warthog with a large appetite and is very kind-hearted!

What type of conflict does A Christmas Carol have?

"A Christmas Carol" contains both external conflict between characters (such as Scrooge and the ghosts) and internal conflict within Scrooge himself (struggling with his greed and selfishness). The story's main conflict is centered around Scrooge's transformation from a cold-hearted miser to a kind and generous person.