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In Wordsworth's poems, nature serves as a source of spiritual inspiration and a connection to the divine. He views nature as a manifestation of God's presence and power, and finds solace and guidance in its beauty and purity. Through his interactions with nature, Wordsworth explores themes of spirituality, transcendence, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

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Q: What is the connection between nature and religion in wordsworth poems?
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Is wordsworth naturalist?

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What is the theme and idea of Wordsworth poetry?

The theme of Wordsworth's poetry often focuses on nature, childhood, and the power of the human imagination. His poetry emphasizes the beauty and spirituality of the natural world, and explores the connection between nature and the human experience. Wordsworth's idea of poetry as a medium for expressing emotions and connecting with the inner self is evident in his emphasis on personal experience and observation.

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Why was Wordsworth angry with the world?

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