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Q: What is the contractile organelle of skeletal muscle fibers is?
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Contractile and non-contractile heart muscles?

The non-contractile element are skeletal muscles that don't contract such as Epimysium,Perimysium and, Endomysium. Contractile muscle contract as a whole muscle instead of single bundles of muscle fibers

Where troponin is found?

Troponin is one of the intracellular proteins found primarily in skeletal muscle fibers, where it is part of the contractile proteins.

What is a group of skeletal muscle fibers?

A skeletal muscle

How is cardiac muscle similar to stomach smooth muscle?

Cardiac muscle is similar to smooth muscle in that both are involuntary. Cardiac muscle is similar to skeletal muscle because they are both striated.

Is skeletal muscle made of muscle fibers?

Basically, yes. All muscle (skeletal, cardiac and smooth) are made of muscle fibers.

What is the one of the contractile units found in skeletal muscle?


What type of muscle fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

Smallest contractile unit individual muscle fibers?


What types of fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

Why are skeletal muscle fibers unusual?

The skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is the muscle attached to the skeleton. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons. The contraction of skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.

In the skeletal muscle what is a Z-disk or Z line?

Z-disks or Z-lines are the points of contraction for contractile proteins. They provide structural support for the transmission of force when the muscle fibers are activated to shorten.

What types of muscle are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.