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Q: What is the control center for the neuron?
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What does the nucleolus in a neuron do?

The nucleus is the control center, kind of like the brain. Also you spelled nucleus wrong. :D

What is the center the neuron called?


Why is the cell body of neuron in the trophic center of neuron?

The neuron cell body or soma is responsible for the nutrition and maintenance of of its peripheral parts such as the dendrites and axon. This makes the distances about equal from the center.

Do axon contain a nucleus?

No, the axon is a fiber that emerges from a neuron, while the nucleus is in the center of the neuron.

What is the center part of a neuron called?


What is the spherical center of a neuron called?

The Nucleus

Sensory neuron is to motor neuron as?

Sensory neuron is to motor feedback system is to control system. The motor neurons send signals from the brain to control the body. The sensory neurons send signals from the body back to the brain.

What is the flow of information in a spinal reflex arc in the correct order?

The reflex arc includes the sensory neuron (sensory intake) to the motor neuron (motor response). This two neuron arc is the fastest. Many times an interneuron at the level of the spinal cord is involved. It passes information to the brain more slowly. It is like an "incident report".

Mechanism of reflex arch?

A reflex arch includes a receptor, senory neuron, a ref;ex center composed of interneurons, motor neuron, and effector.

What are the five parts of a reflex?

Five parts of a reflex arc are the receptor, sensory neuron (afferent), integration center, motor neuron (efferent), and effector.

What nerves control movement?

the neuron that controls our eye movement and it ism important

What is associative neurons?

Associative Neuron-is the basic neuron of the brain.And it can control the all body.... Please Add nIyo ako sa Facebook