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The conversion rates between the euro and the dollar changes every minute. But at the moment 1 euro will buy 1.31 dollars. The most up to date conversion rates you can be found on various websites including Bloomberg.

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Q: What is the conversion rate between euro and dollar?
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What is the Euro to Dollar conversion rate?

The conversion rate for these two currencies is in a state of constant flux. Currently, 1 euro equals 1.31 U.S. dollars. This rate, however, is subject to change.

What is the current euro to US dollar rate?

At the current moment, the euro to US dollar conversion rate is 1.29 US dollars to 1 Euro. While it was worse in previous years, it has slowly been stabilizing to its current rate.

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The answer to this question changes daily if not by the minute because the conversion rate between the dollar and euro is changing constantly. If take the latest rate for the euro (eur/usd) , 1 euro = 1.2294 US dollars. So if we 4.5 euros, we simply multiply 1.2294 by 4.5 to get $5.53 US dollars (round off to the nearest decimal point). You can find rates at

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The effect, for exports and imports, will depend on the exchange rate between the dollar and the euro at the time of trading.,

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What is the exchange rate between the United States dollar and the Euro?

The current exchange rate (as of May 2013) is approximately USD 1 = € 0.77 The current exchange rate can be obtained by typing "1 USD = EUR" into Google.

What is the currency exchange rate between the US dollar and the European Euro?

1 US$ = 0.72 Euros

1600 Euro's to dollars?

Depends on the 'current' conversion rate.

What is the value of the euro compaired to the us dollar?

The current rate is .80 Euro to the US Dollar. That means that one Euro is equal to $1.24.