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Q: What is the coordination number of cubical closed packing and hexagonal closed packing?
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How many octahedral holes in hexagonal closed packing?

In the interior there is one octahedral hole for every sphere.

How do you use packing in a sentence?

She is packing clothes in her suitcase for her trip tomorrow. He used heavy packing tape so that the box would stay closed.

What is the difference between hcp and ccp closed packing?

In HCP packing, atom planes are stacked in ABABAB form. IN CCP (a.k.a. FCC) packing, atom planes are stacked in ABCABC form.

What is the structure of a lead molecule face-centred cubic or hexagonal close-packed?

a center faced cubic hexagonal closed pack structure focused in the minds eye is time travel or invention of the tartis.

If I have a 2.3 inch in diameter sphere. How many spheres would it take to fill a 100 gallon cube?

A 100 (US liquid) gallon cube is 23100 cubic inches. The maximum proportion of a cube which can be filled by spheres, using cubic closed packing or hexagonal close packing is approx 74.05%. Consequently, the spheres can occupy at most 17105 cubic inches. This volume implies a maximum of 335 spheres.You cannot divided the volume of the cube by the volume of each sphere because spheres can never occupy all the space in any shape.

How many faces of octahedron are parallel?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel edges whereas a right hexagonal prism has 4 pairs of parallel faces.

How many triangular faces does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. An octahedron can have triangles for all eight faces or, as is the case with a hexagonal prism, not a single triangular face.

Is a octahedron a prism?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. One of these 257 shapes is a prismoid, and a prism is a special case of a prismoid in which the two hexagonal faces are congruent and parallel.

Is anything parallel on an octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Whether or not anything is parallel depends on which of these octahedra you have in mind and, furthermore, which version.For example, the general hexagonal prismoid will have nothing in parallel. But a special case of the same topological octahedron, a right hexagonal prism, has 4 pairs of parallel faces. It also has three quartets and one sextet of edges that are parallel.

Does a octahedron have parallel edges?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel edges whereas a right hexagonal prism has 3 quartet of parallel edges and one sextet.

An octahedron is made up of how many triangles?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. An octahedron can have triangles for all eight faces or, as is the case with a hexagonal prism, not a single triangular face.

How many parellel lines does a octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel sides whereas a right hexagonal prism has 3 quartet of parallel sides and one sextet.