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Q: What is the correct name beginning with q for the spines of the echidna?
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What is the correct name beginning with the letter q for the spines of the echidna?

Spines IS the correct term when referring to the echidna. The questioner is probably looking for the answer "quills", but this word is usually used in reference to the porcupine. Echidnas and porcupines are not related at all. Therefore, echidnas have spines and porcupines have quills.

How long do the echidna's spikes get?

The correct name for the echidna's spikes is 'spines'. The echidna's spines grow up to 50 mm (5 cm) in length.

What is another name for the echidna's spikes?

The echidna's spikes are called spines.

What is the name of the echidna's spines starting with the letter q?

Echidna spines are usually only known as spines. The word "quills", which is probably supposed to be the answer, is more properly applied to porcupines.

What is the synonym for echidna 'spines'?

Spiny Anteater is another name for the echidna. However, echidnas are not related to anteaters at all, despite the name. Echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, while anteaters a placental mammals. Echidnas have sharp spines, hence the name 'spiny' and they feed primarily on termites, as well as ants.

What is the correct name for the spiny anteater?


Name the mammal who lays eggs which is characterised for his hairs spines?

The Echidna, sometimes called the spiny anteater, is an egg-laying mammal, or monotreme.

Does the spiny anteater and platypus lay eggs?

Yes. The correct name for the spiny anteater is echidna. The echidna and the platypus are both egg-laying mammals. They are known as monotremes.

What is a female echidna called?

There is no specific name given to a female echidna. It is just a female echidna.

What are the special characteristics of platypus and spiny ant eater?

The most notable characteristic of the platypus and the echidna (the correct name for the spiny anteater) is that they are the world's only known egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. They are completely mammals, as they suckle their young on mothers' milk. Both the platypus and the echidna have sharp claws equipped for digging. They both have dense fur, although in the case of the platypus it is waterproof, and e echidna also has its distinctive sharp spines amidst its thick fur. Neither creature has teeth.

What is the proper name for the echidna?

Echidna IS the proper name for the echidna. It is sometimes referred to as a spiny anteater, but as it is not a member of the anteater family, this is a misnomer.

What a female Echidna called?

A female echidna does not have any particular name. It is just a female echidna.