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Q: What is the correct order of layers that a space shuttle goes through when landing on the Earth?
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How does a space shuttle manuever in the exosphere?

The space shuttle doesn't do much maneuvering in the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere. Most of its maneuvering is done once it's passed through these layers due to the extreme temperatures experienced during this time.

How do you spell layers?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "layers."

How is energy transferred through the layers of a star?

In a star, energy is primarily transferred through radiation in the outer layers and through convection in the inner layers. In the core, where nuclear fusion occurs, energy is generated and eventually travels outward through the layers by radiation, heating up the outer layers.

What is the process in which thick layers of sediment press down on the layers beneath them called?

the correct answer is compactioncompaction

Metamorphic rock that show layers of dark minerals alternatin with layers of light minerals are classified as?

Foliated is the correct answer!!!

When a rocket is launched which sequence of atmospheric layers does it travel through?

When a rocket is launched, it travels through the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere before reaching space. Each layer has its own distinct characteristics and composition, affecting the rocket's flight trajectory and performance.

What kind of rock layers are formed when rock layers are squeezed and forced upward?

Volcanic Mountains Folded Mountains to be correct!

Leaves are composed ofof many layers of cells outside of these layers is a waxy coating what is the correct name of this layer?

The correct name of the waxy coating outside of the cells in leaves is the cuticle.

What clouds extend through all layers?

The clouds that are known to extend through all the layers are the cumulonimbus clouds. They can do this because they are stacked vertically.

What is the correct order of solar layers?

Core, radiation zone, convection current

Which of the following is the correct order of Earth's layers from inside to surface?

noooooooo bye

How many layers of phospholipids are there in the plasma membrane?

There are two layers of phospholipids in the plasma membrane, with each layer composed of phospholipid molecules arranged in a bilayer structure. This bilayer provides the membrane with its characteristic flexibility and semi-permeability.