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Stellar evolution states that stars are powered by a hydrogen fusion reaction. When a star has burned up its hydrogen, this reaction runs out, and its core will contract and heat up causing the hydrogen shell to ignite. This causes the star to expand into a giant star. Depending on the solar mass of the star, it will evolve into different objects. If its mass is in the 0.3 to 3 range, its core, now fusing helium will degenerate before the helium has a chance to ignite, and the explosion that results will be absorbed into the star itself. A star with a mass less than 0.4 will evolve into a white dwarf. If its mass is between 0.4 and 0.3, it will become a red giant and then burn out into a white dwarf. Stars that are more massive will collapse explosively as a super nova, and if it is larger than 25 stellar masses, it will be a neutron star.

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The first stage of stellar evolution is nebula.

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You can find an overview of stelar evolution in the Wikipedia article entitled "Stellar evolution".

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