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Q: What is the correct spelling for duchess made plural?
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What is the correct spelling for cherry made plural?

The plural form for the noun cherry is cherries.

What is the plural possessive of duchess?

Her Imperial Highness, or in direct contact, Your Highness. (this form of address for the Four Romanov Girls- all Grand Duchesses. ) Czarevna- roughly Imperial Princess or Crown princess- Daughter of the Czar also applied to these Ladies. one interesting bit of protocol, Special Agent Dimitri was correct in addressing Anastasia as ( Your Grace) as she was ( alone fo the Romanov Sisters) Underage at the time of the massacre. ovger l8 she would be (Your Highness) Under l8 (Your Grace) Your Grace is the standard form of address for a regular (not Grand or Imperial) duchess such as the Duchess of Bedford ( missing since l937) Turns for l00 M.P.H., Your Grace! made an interesting speed command!

How do you spell revelations?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "revelations" (things made known). The book of the New Testament (Revelations) is based on the root word which means "dreams" or "prophecies."

What is the correct spelling of tuitions?

That is the correct spelling, but tuition is seldom used in the plural as tuitions, except where separate payments are made, e.g. The tuitions of the two schools increasedcould also be expressed as The tuition at both schools was increased.

How do you spell purchased?

The word is spelled purchases, just as you spelled it. It is the plural of purchase. The purchase she made totaled $99.00. The total of her purchases was $50.00. She made many purchases in town.

Is it journies or journeys?

The correct spelling is journeys. If a noun ends with a vowel + y, it is made plural by simply adding an 's'. Only nouns that end in consonant + y are made plural by dropping the y and adding 'ies.'

What is the correct spelling of the plural possessive form of family?

The plural form of the noun family is families.The plural possessive form is families'.example: All of the families' cooperation made the block party a big success.

How do you spell inventing?

The spelling "inventional" is an adjective meaning pertaining to invention or inventions.A similar word is invitational, an event or competition by invitation only.

How do you spell appoligize?

The verb is apologize, as in "I'd like to apologize." (US spelling) (British English would spell it "apologise".) The noun (the plural of apology) is apologies, as in "I made my apologies and left the party." (Same spelling: US and British)

How do you spell purcushin?

The correct spelling is percussion (a sound made by striking).

How do you spell recyclabled?

The plural noun is spelled recyclables (objects made of materials that can be recycled).