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a guitar pick

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Q: What is the correct term for the plastic implement used to pluck the strings on a guitar?
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Related questions

What is the electric bass guitar made from?

plastic and metal strings

How many strings are on a classical guitar?

six the only difference is what they are made of normal guitar strings are made of steel but classical guitars have strings with a mixture of plastic also known as nilon and steel

What material is guitar made of?

wood, metal, *nylon, steel, plastic *for strings

What is the plastic plate between the strings and the body on a guitar?

It is the pick guard. It keeps your pick from scratching the guitar's surface.

What is a guitar picker?

a guitar pick is a traditionally tear drop shaped piece of plastic or other materials that you hit the strings with.

How many strings your on a guitar?

That depends on the guitar! On a Tenor guitar there are four strings, on a standard guitar there are six strings, and there are twelve strings on a twelve string guitar.

What do guitarist sometimes use to play the strings of the guitar?

A small piece of plastic known as a plectrum

What do guitarists sometimes used to play the strings of the guitar?

A small piece of plastic known as a plectrum

What do guitarist's sometimes use to play the strings of the guitar?

A small piece of plastic known as a plectrum

How many strings are there on a guitar?

there are six strings on a guitar

How any strings are on a guitar?

A normal Acoustic/Electric guitar has 6 strings, and a normal bass guitar has 4 strings. There are also guitars with more strings, i.e. a bass guitar with 5 strings.

What is the bridge relating to the guitar?

the bit connecting the head to the neck. the plastic or metal part which has grooves for the strings.