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Q: What is the correct way to breathe while swimming?
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How do Bottle-nose dolphin sleep?

Bottle nose dolphins do sleep but in a weird kind of way. Half of there brains sleep while the other half keeps swimming for air.

What is the correct spelling snorkeling or snorkelling?

Snorkeling is correct. ^^^^^ No it's not. It can be spelt either "Snorkelling" (which is how i spell it) and it is indeed the British way to spell it. Snorkeling is the US way of spelling it. No way is right or wrong, it is a personal opinion.

How is the way plants breathe different from the way we breathe?

Plants breathe Co2 and we breathe Oxygen.

When you were undergone training free style swimming coach said do not bend knee But you see at Olympics free style players bend their knees while swimming What is the correct way?

it depends on what stroke you are swimming. if you are swimming breaststroke then you do bend your knee in freestyle and backstroke you don't bend your knee. in butterfly you only snap your whole leg your knee doesn't bend all the way. if you don't kick the right way in breaststroke then you can hurt your self becareful and ask a coach. good luck

What is the proper way to sotre swimming equipment?

"That is an excellent question! The best way to store swimming equipment is to make sure that it has dried completely before putting it away. That way, no mold will grow while it is in storage."

How can i get an athletic scholarship for swimming in the state of Wisconsin?

The best way to get an athletic scholarship while swimming is to be the best. You have to make sure that you set records with each race you are in.

How do you breathe on a desert?

You breathe in the desert the same way you breathe when you are not in the desert. There is no special procedure to follow.

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Virtually exactly the same as when they are not swimming.

Can swimming hurt you while you play baseball?

Unlikely. Swimming is a very low-impact sport. Of course you can be injured doing justa bout anything, but as long as you use proper form swimming is probably a very good way to stay in shape.

How nocturnal animals breathe?

they breathe in the same way as daytime animals

Would swimming be a good way to get back into shape?

Yes, swimming is a good way to get into shape.

Just take care on your way home is my grammar correct?

Yes, your grammar is correct. Your sentence "Just take care on your way home" is a polite way to tell someone to be safe while going home.