

What is the correct way to do a work cited page?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the correct way to do a work cited page?
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What information is needed for a works cited?

For a works cited page, you typically need the author's name, title of the work, publication information (like the publisher and date of publication), and information on where the work can be accessed (like a URL or page number). Make sure to follow the specific citation style guide required by the institution or publication.

Which of these shows the correct way to cite a website on an MLA works cited page?

"Famous Events in History." The History Database. Web. April 25, 2014.

APA requires a page titled Works Cited?

At the end of the paper, people should have a works cited page in APA Citation. It should be titled "References." However, this source page which list the bibliography information is called "Works Cited" in MLA and "References" in APA format.

What example shows the correct way to cite a newspaper article on an MLA works cited page?

Author's last name, First name. "Title of the Article." Name of the Newspaper, Publication Date, URL (if accessed online).

On the works cited page list works by each author's last name as shown in the accompanying figure or if the author's name is not available by the?

When creating a works cited page, list works by each author's last name alphabetically. If the author's name is not available, you can use the title of the work as the first element in the citation. This helps to organize the sources in an easily accessible way for readers.

Does MLA work cited offer help writing papers at the high school level?

MLA Works Cited provides guidelines for citing sources in papers using the MLA format. It does not offer direct assistance in writing papers for high school level, but it is a valuable resource for correctly citing sources which is an important aspect of academic writing.

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by doinq it the correct way..

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No, the correct way to say that would be... "You should just go to work"

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It should be student's work.

In the phrase....I like the way you dove into your the correct word dove or dived?

Both "dove" and "dived" are correct past tense forms of the verb "dive." However, "dived" is more commonly used in British English, while "dove" is more commonly used in American English.

What is the correct way to begin a works cited reference citation for a book with two authors Felix bacon and Bernice Jones?

In MLA format, the following is the correct way to cite a book with two authors:Felix Bacon and Bernice Jones. The Title of Their Book. New York: Penguin, 2014. Print.

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