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Q: What is the cosmological model of how the universe began?
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How did the universe start other than the big bang?

The universe began with a rapid cosmological expansion from an extremely hot and dense state.

What bang theory?

the big bang theory is a cosmological model wich states that how was universe created and why it is expanding.

What big bang theory?

the big bang theory is a cosmological model wich states that how was universe created and why it is expanding.

What is big bang theory?

the big bang theory is a cosmological model wich states that how was universe created and why it is expanding.

How can Earth be located at the center of the observable universe if you accept the cosmological principle?

According to the cosmological principle, from ANY point it would seem as if we are at the center of the Universe.According to the cosmological principle, from ANY point it would seem as if we are at the center of the Universe.According to the cosmological principle, from ANY point it would seem as if we are at the center of the Universe.According to the cosmological principle, from ANY point it would seem as if we are at the center of the Universe.

What is the most reconized model of how the universe begun?

What is known as the Big Bang Theory is the currently recognized model of how the universe began.

What are the scientific theory about the origin of the universe?

The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the initial conditions and subsequent development of the Universe that is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation.

What will the universe do if a cosmological constant is positive?

It will expand more rapidly.

What is cosmological theory?

A theory of the origin and formation of the universe (the cosmos).

What is cosmological metaphysics?

Cosmological metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of the universe as a whole. It explores fundamental questions about the origins, structure, and ultimate fate of the cosmos, often addressing issues such as causality, existence, and the relationship between the physical world and metaphysical principles.

What is a many bang theory?

The Oscillatory Universe is one of many cyclic cosmological model which promote the recycling of the Big Bang model upon a Big Crunch. However there is also the varied Multiverse hypotheses which promote the consideration of parallel universes existing uniquely independent of our universe.

What led Einstein to hypothesize the cosmological constant?

The brief layman's answer: Einstein was troubled because his own theories of relativity did not support the idea of a constant universe, the universe that he preferred to believe existed. His equations showed that a steady state universe would eventually give in to the forces of gravity. He developed the cosmological constant, basically a 'fudge factor', so that his theories could support a steady-state universe. Shortly after, Hubble's redshift observations provided evidence that the universe is expanding, and Einstein called the cosmological constant the worst blunder of his life. Ironically, interest in the cosmological constant is returning, as a possible way of explaining the acceleratingexpansion of the universe.