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Christmas shoes?

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Q: What is the country Christmas song about visiting a poor family?
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The invention of what allowed poor to return to the country for Christmas to be with their families?

steam trains

The invention that allowed poor people to spend Christmas in their country with their families?

the railways

How is Christmas celebrated by the poor people?

Christmas is celebrated by the poor people by just having fun, and getting together and having a laugh. We don't need to be exaturated in decorations, presents and especially in food we only need to be with our family and relatives to enjoy Christmas.

How does a hurricane affect a poor country?

people cannot feed their family

Which family is the centre of interest in Dickens Christmas Carol?

The Cratchit family is at the centre of interest in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." They are a poor but loving family that struggles to make ends meet, but still find joy and happiness in each other's company. Scrooge's interactions with them help him to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas.

Is Bob Cratchit's family poor in A Christmas Carol?

Yes, Bob Cratchit's family is portrayed as poor in "A Christmas Carol." Bob works long hours for a low wage, and they live in a small, cramped house. They struggle to make ends meet, especially with a disabled son like Tim.

Why don't polish people eat meat on Christmas Eve?

It's a tradition to reflect how poor Jesus and his family were when he was born.

Is fiattor a rich or poor?

Fiattor are rich because in the country of Ghana That family is Royal.

What is the title of a children book about a poor father and daughter bear family on Christmas and they throw a party and decorate a tree with fruits and drawings?

One possible title for this children's book could be "The Christmas Bear Family Celebration."

In A Christmas memory what are the obstacles that have to be overcome?

This nostalgic memory of a childhood Christmas is remarkable for a number of reasons, but one is the context in which the memory is set. It is clear that Buddy and his cousin come from a poor family....

Who is the great father in A Christmas Carol?

This might refer to Bob Cratchit as he was a humble yet poor man but had great love for his family

Is Egypt a poor or a rich country?

yes Egypt is a poor country