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Q: What is the cpt code for repair flexor pollicis brevis tendon thumb?
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There a lot of tendons on the plantar side of the foot. Off the top of my head... Tendon of the flexor digitorum longus Tendon of the flexor digitorum brevis Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus Tendon of the flexor hallucis brevis Tendon of the flexor digiti minimi brevis Tendon of the fibularis longus Tendon of the tibialis posterior Tendons of the lumbricals Tendons of the plantar interosseous muscles Tendon of the abductor hallucis Tendon of the adductor hallucis Tendon of the abductor digiti minimi There are also a bunch of ligaments.

What is the cpt code for extensor pollicis longus tendon repair?


What are the lateral and medial boundaries of anatomical snuff box?

The medial border of the anatomical snuff box is the extensor pollicis longus tendon. The lateral border is made of tendons from two muscles: the extensor pollicis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus.

What muscle flexes and abducts hand at the wrist?

There are several muscles involved in flexing the hand. - Palmaris longus (flexes hand) - Flexor carpi radialis (flexes and abducts hand) - Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexes and adducts hand) - Flexor digitorum superficialis (flexes proximal and middle phalanges, flexes hand) - Flexor digitorum profundus (flexes phalanges and hand) - Flexor pollicis longus (flexes thumb and hand) - Flexor pollicis brevis (flexes thumb) There are also a few more I did not include that flex specific digits of the hand

What is pollicis?

The word pollicis in anatomy makes a reference to anything to do with the thumb. For example, the muscle Flexor pollicus longis refers to the muscle that causes flexion of the thumb, and has a long tendon. Try putting the term together with other anatomical terms and see if they make any sense! :)

Is a quadricep tendon a flexor or extensor tendon?

Dorsi flexion and eversion are its main actions. I just can't justify this your question.

What is another name for bowed tendon?

Another name for bowed tendon is a tendonitis or tendon strain.

What is icd-9 code for extensor pollicis longus tendon reconstruction?


What is icd-9 code for rupture extensor pollicis longus tendon?


What muscle attaches to the base of the fifth metatarsal?

Peroneus Brevis Tendon (Laterally) Peroneus Tertius Tendon (Dorsally)

Which tendon bounds the anatomical snuff box medially?

Extensor policis brevis

Is tendinoplasty the surgical repair of a tendon?

Yes, tendinoplasty is surgical repair of a tendon.