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Q: What is the crayfish shell composed of?
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What is the shell of a crayfish made out of?

The "shell" of the crayfish, or rather its exoskeleton, is composed of the polysaccharide chitin and some lipids. There are also some calcium salts in the exoskeleton of the crayfish, which gives it its firmness.

Do crayfish have shell?

Yes they do but they are not very big, It depends on how big the crayfish are.

What is another word for a crayfish's shell?


What is the exoskeleton of crayfish made of?

Chitin and some calcium

What is the function of the rostrum on a crayfish?

A rostrum on a crayfish is an extension of its shell. This part is used for extra protection.

What do crayfish have instead of bones?

An exoskeleton - i.e. a shell.

Why does a crayfish hide after it molts?

After it molts, a crayfish needs some time to grow a new and larger shell. During this time it has no shell to protect it from attack, therefore it hides.

What are characteristics of crayfish?

hard shell, sharp claws aquatic

What body covering do crayfish have?

Crayfish are crustaceans, and therefore have a shell-like outer covering called an exoskeleton.

Do crayfish have a bachbone?

Nope. They have a shell, known as an exoskeleton. Means bones are on the outside (the shell takes the place of bones)

What is the process that makes a crayfish shell so hard?

It's called 'calcification'

Why do crayfish shed their skin?

Crayfish shed their shells because they are growing. they do not shed their skin, but rather the inflexible shell on top. Because it is inflexible, it cannot grow with the crayfish and they have to make new ones. Replacing a shell is called "molting". crayfish and other crustaceans molt more when they are young and are growing faster. Hope this helps!