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Q: What is the crust of Neptune made out of?
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What is Neptunes crust made out of?

Neptune appears to be composed of a mantle rich in water, methane, ammonia, and other elements. These elements are under high temperatures and pressures deep within the planet.

What makes the crust and atmosphere in Neptune?

Neptune is a gas giant, meaning it is made of gas and has no solid surface nor crust. Its atmosphere is composed of helium, hydrogen and methane with dust and ice particles. It is absolutely freezing and very stormy.

What is Neptune's crust like?

Neptune is not a terrestrial planet, it's actually a gas giant, so it doesn't have crust, nor any solid surface.

When was Neptune made by?

neptune was made in 1425

What is the inside of Neptune made out of?

Neptune is made out of ice

What are clouds on Neptune made of?

Neptune's clouds are made of gasses

Atmosphere is made of BUT Neptune has belts?

atmosphere is made of _____________ BUT Neptune has belts

Is Neptune made of mostly rock or gas?

Neptune is mostly made of gas. Also, Neptune has rings and clouds. BY: jill the queen of awesome

Would Jupiter Saturn Neptune or Venus have a rocky crust and a dense core?

It would be Venus, because that planet is the only one that has a solid crust.

What is neptunes surface of neptune made of?

Neptune is made up of mostly gas.

Does Neptune have human or human made objects on it?

No, Neptune does not have human or human made objects. It is to cold on Neptune so therefore, nobody has ever been on Neptune.

What is the inside of mercury made of?

Its layers start from the Crust, the Mantle, the inner, then the HUGE CORE! Cores are made with melted rock or even metel. Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have cores. But Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have a smaller core than Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.