

What is the cures for ear infections in cocker spaniels?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is the cures for ear infections in cocker spaniels?
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Are welsh springer spaniels prone to ear infections?

Yes. All spaniels are prone to ear infections, all dogs that have floppy ears are prone to ear infections. I must check my cocker each and everyday. He enjoys the interaction and does not even know I am checking his ears.

Any specific information and MEDICATIONS on treating a chronic ear infection in one ear of a seven year old Cocker Spaniel?

I also have a seven year old Cocker Spaniel that had chronic ear infections... however she also ended up cauliflower ear and had her ear canals removed -but i do know that Cocker Spaniels are known for having ear troubles, I can get more information about the medication we used and other information soon, I'll tell as soon as I can.

What is a good dog breed for a hearing ear dog?

Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Poodles and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Can cocker spaniels die from an ear infection?

The dog's ear will smell very badly and there may be some discharge coming out of their ear.

Do cocker spaniels ears smell?

If a dogs ears smell, they could have an ear infection. It's recommended to take them to a Veteranarian.

What causes shaking in cocker spaniels?

Cocker spaniels are somewhat predisposed to skin troubles, particularly ear troubles. Bumps on a cocker spaniel's skin may be from allergic reactions, flea bites, ticks, dermatitis or skin parasites. You should have this examined by a veterinarian, who can then start appropriate treatment to get the bumps resolved.

Does a cocker spaniel have health problems through interbreeding?

Hello: Any dog can develop many genetic problems because of interbreeding. Cocker Spaniels have many skin and coat problems... also , they tend to have ear infections... A genetic problem would be with the heart, lungs or legs ( joints) I hope this has helped you. Any other questions, Just ask

What are some characteristics of cocker spaniels?

Cocker Spaniel is the term used to describe two different but closely related breeds, the American and English Cocker Spaniel. Cocker spaniels are small dogs (generally 24-30 lbs.) that come in a range of colors, including liver, black, lemon, and red. They are generally playful, good-natured, and gentle. Although sometimes timid, a trained and socialized cocker spaniel will be peaceful towards people and other dogs, making them ideal for families with older children. They are intelligent and respond well to training. They do, however, they require a good deal of cleaning and brushing to maintain their coat and to alleviate dog odor. They are predisposed to ear and eye problems, things that should be checked regularly.

How bad do cocker spaniels stink?

They can get dirty just like we do. Cocker Spaniels are known for ear problems, so be sure the ears look healthy inside and smell good. If they are red or stink, then take your Cocker in to see your Veterinarian to check out the ears. A good grooming on a regular basis will help with any body odor. Also your pet could have impacted anal glands. A good groomer will know how to properly brush out, clip, clean out ears, trim nails and express anal glands or your could learn to do it all yourself. Don't forget about checking the insides of the ears.

Can ear infections cause skin rash?

can ear infections cause skin rah?

What are ears infections?

An ear infection is when you get an infection in your ear.

When is Myringotomy done?

Myringotomy and ear tube surgery is performed to drain ear fluid and prevent ear infections when antibiotics don't work or when ear infections are chronic