

What is the current average speed of space?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Space is nothing, it is the lack of matter, it doesn't have a speed, it doesn't have a temperature, it does have a smell or a taste... it is nothing, it's empty space.

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Q: What is the current average speed of space?
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This will depend not only upon the strength of the current (in Amperes), but also on the wire's cross-section. In any case, in a typical current, the electrons have an average speed of a tiny fraction of a milliter per second.

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The average speed of the International Space Station is 17,221 miles per hour. It completes an orbit every 91.48 minutes at an average altitude of 222.3 miles.

What is the average speed of electricity?

There are three different speeds here.The average speed of electrons - whether there is a current or not - is a significant fraction of the speed of light. That speed depends on the temperature. (The average VELOCITY of course is zero if there is no current, since as many electrons will go in one direction as in another.) The drift velocity (the average velocity) of the electrons is a small fraction of a millimeter per second. The exact value depends on the current, the cross section, and the material. The speed at which a signal can propagate in copper is about 2/3 of the speed of light in a vacuum - so, about 200,000 km/second. It is this speed that makes your light react quickly when you activate a switch.

What do you mean by instantaneous speed?

Instantaneous speed is the speed of a body at any one instant. There is really no such thing as the instantaneous speed, it is merely the average speed over a very short space of time.