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There are lots of cute mammals. Cats, dogs, squirrels, bunny rabbits, piglets, baby raccoons and chipmunks are the cutest mammals.

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Is Xavier Samuel the cutest guy or what?

Yes, he is the cutest guy! :)

Who is the cutest girl on snsd?

Well I personally think that Yuri and Seohyun are the cutest. But that's just my opinion. (^_^)

Who is the cutest couple on Pretty Little Liars?

In my opinion, Caleb & Hanna are the cutest couple but I also like Aria & Ezra.

Who is the cutest chipmunk from Alvin and the chipmunks 2 and why?

See Alvin isn't really the cutest. Saying Alvin is the cutest is an opinion because to some people he isn't.So really this question is in appropriate cause it's an opinion question.

Who is the cutest American movie star?

Taylor launtner

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