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That if a sailor heard their song, he would drown.

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Q: What is the danger of the sirens?
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Who was in danger from the Sirens?

Anyone who heard them.

Who Are sirens on The Odyssey?

The sirens are a danger that Odysseus and his men must pass to return home.

Who foretold the danger of the sirens to Odysseus?


The sirens are a symbol for what?

The danger of the sea in a ship or sailor not coming back from a voyage.

What danger occurs after Odysseus and his men leave the sirens?

Scylla and Charybdis are encountered.

What danger did Odysseus and his man face when they encountered the sirens?

The song of the Sirens hypnotized his men into yearning to sail toward the island at which they resided luring them to their doom.

What are tornado sirens?

Tornado sirens are warning sirens set up in some communities that sound in the event of a tornado warning. This is an effective way of alerting people to danger if they are not tuned into a TV or radio. Many of these are recomissioned air-raid sirens from the Cold War.

What is a sirens?

Sirens are either Greek mythological monsters that lull unsuspecting victims by singing to them OR loud, screeching machines that are used to indicate the danger of a certain area.

What are Scylla and Charybdis and why do they pose danger for travelers?

sirens; theyre song pose the dangers

What danger did Odysseus face after passing the sirens?

The Wandering Rocks; the strait of Scylla and Charybdis.

Why were Odysseus and his crew in grave danger from the Sirens?

Because the song of the siren could lure a sailor to death by drowning or into wrecking his ship along the cliffs that the sirens often sang from.

What do the sirens represent?

The representation of sirens varies in different contexts. In mythology, they represent dangerous and seductive creatures that lure sailors to their deaths with their enchanting songs. In modern usage, sirens are associated with warning signals, such as the sirens on emergency vehicles, indicating an imminent danger or emergency situation.