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Answer:Humus (Latin - "soil ") is the organic material in soil lending it a dark brown or black coloration...

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Decaying organic matter in the soil is called humus. When it is added to the soil deliberately, it is called compost.

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It is called humus.

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Q: What is the dark organic material that forms in soil as plant and animal matter decays?
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Related questions

How does organic matter become humus?

Organic matter breaks down (decays) to form humus.

What do you call a quantity of plant or animal material?

s the term for the physical amount of plant material at a location.

What is the dark oganic matter that forms in soil as plant and animal matter decays?


What happens to the phosphates when plants and animal die?

When organic life dies, phosphorus will either go back into the dirt or water as the organic matter decays. It cycles through plants and animals much faster than it does through rocks and other non organic materials.

What is produced through the decay of organic matter?

Organic matter decays into simpler compounds such as carbon dioxide, water, and organic molecules. This decomposition process is carried out by microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers.

Is methane expensive?

Methane is a relatively inexpensive fuel compared to other fossil fuels. Its cost can vary depending on factors such as production, transportation, and market demand. Overall, methane is considered a cost-effective energy source for various applications.

What is organic mater mean?

Organic matter is any living matter such as animal meat or plant matter.

What is decaying plant and animal material in the soil?

Decaying plant and animal matter in the soil are pretty much fertilizer. Once organic matter decomposes it essentially becomes compost. Compost is rich in nutrients and will promote very healthy plant growth.

What is the difference between the organic material from which coal forms the organic material from which petroleum and natural gas form?

Coal forms from the accumulation of plant material in swamps and marshes, while petroleum and natural gas form from the remains of marine organisms like algae and zooplankton. The main difference lies in the type of organic material and the environment in which it accumulates, resulting in the formation of different fossil fuels.

What is Dead and decayed plant and animal material mixed in the soil?

The organic matter in soil is called humus.

Material formed from decaying leaves and other organic matter?

When leaves and other organic matter lie on the forest floor, they begin to decompose. This layer of decomposing organic material is called litter.

What is a organic matter?

Organic matter (or organic material) is matter that has come from a once-living organism; is capable of decay, or the product of decay; or is composed of organic compounds. The definition of organic matter varies upon the subject it is being used for.