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September 11, 2001

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Q: What is the date of the biggest terrorist attack in US history?
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What caused the war to happen that was on september112001?

No war happened on that date. A dreadful terrorist attack was made on the US

Why is date important in Hawaiian history?

on decemeber 7,1941 the japanese plans attack the U.S.A

Why is September 11 2001 a famous date?

It was the larest homeland security meltdown in the nations history. It was a day that will be remembered forever because it was the largest attack on home soil in the United States. Terrorist highjacked 2 airplanes that purposely crashed into the Twin Towers, in New York City, killing thousands of innocent people.

What date did September 11 occur?

If you are asking about the tragic September 11th terrorist attack, that took place in the year 2001. That was 12 years ago exactly, as I type (I am typing this on September 11, 2013).

What was the date of the biggest stock market loss in US history?

go to this page in wiki to read about that

Why is 7 December 1941 important in Hawaiian history?

For Hawaii 7 December 1941 is a critical date (Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor).

When will there be another date with Justin Bieber?

no afence but ill so want to go on a date with him and i am his #1 biggest biggest fan

What is the biggest war to date?


How do you delete all history on google?

by delet from history date by date

Can nuclear war ever be called a just war?

The only example in History to date is the US attack on Hiroshima & Nagasaki in 1945. Justification for such an action is highly subjective. I think it is true that the winners write the History books.......

What happened this week in history?

To find out what happened in history on a certain date go to google and type in history and the days date. Also it can be looked up this date in history and sometimes prices and such are included.

What if 9-11 occurred on a different date?

I presume you're referring to the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. There was no particular significance to the date prior to 2001. It's largely coincidence that it happened on a date that can be cast into the same form as the emergency phone number in the US (there's no evidence that the terrorists were aware of the possible connection ahead of time). So, if it had happened on a different date, it would have happened on a different date. Not a very exciting or particularly informative answer, but there you have it.