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original jurisdiction. Verdict.

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Q: What is the decision made by a court that first hears the case?
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When an appellate court hears a case?

affirm the decision

What federal court hears a case when people involved are not satisfied with the decision of the district court?

Court of Appeals

What happens when a supreme court hears a case?

its different from case to other, they might denied it or you win , sometime they leave the case to the previous decision.

Who hears a case involving two states first?

The United States district courts hears cases involving two states. The last court to hear the case would be the Supreme Court.

What happens if a case is affirmed?

No. When an appellate court hears an appeal from a lower court, it will either affirm (i.e.: approve of) the prior court's decision (not the case), or reverse the prior decision. If the prior decision is affirmed, then the prior holding stands.

Which court hears the case if a case involves the constitution?

supreme court

What court hears a child custody case?

family court

This court system hears more cases than any other court system?

The County Court system hears more cases than any other court system. This court is usually the first court to hear a complaint or criminal case.

What is the second court that hears a case?

You might be referring to an appeals court.

What a court does with a case?

An appellate court hears and decides the issues on appeal.

What appelleate court does with a case?

An appellate court hears and decides the issues on appeal.

After state supreme court what is next?

That depends on the case. Often, the state supreme court is the end of the road for a case, making the decision of the state supreme court final and binding. Sometimes cases involved federal questions (issues arising under the US Constitution or federal law) that allow them to be appealed to the US Supreme Court. If the US Supreme Court hears such a case, it may affirm or overturn the state supreme court decision.