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The default error handling in PHP is simply an error message with a filename, line number, and a small message describing the error. This information however, can be invaluable to increasing the security potential of a website or business.

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Q: What is the default error handling in PHP?
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PHP files extension is .php

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Exception handling, also known as error handling, is a process that involves creating "exception handlers" to deal with many problems that can occur with a PHP script. This code will "catch" the error, and deal with it in some fashion other than crashing and ending the script. This allows programmers to deal with such issues without causing their website to go down or cause other problems.

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Parse error in PHP means that your script is invalid - it is not compliant with the programming language specification. After parse error script is no longer executed.

What is an error handling error?

Error handling refers to the anticipation, detection, and resolution of programming, application, and communications errors.

What is the difference between include and require in PHP?

The two functions are used to insert the content of a file into another PHP file before it is executed by the server. They are identical in every aspect, but they perform error handling in different ways. The include() function generates a warning (which does not halt execution) while the require() function generates a fatal error (which stops execution immediately).

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Debugging and error handling are the same thing. true

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What problems can PHP sleep cause when writing PHP code?

On earlier versions of PHP, when PHP sleep was called on Windows machines, it returned an error. The command can also be interrupted by the Operating System.

What are the Error occurs when no checkbox is checked in PHP?

Suppose you have checkbox in HTML from and and you are calling that checkbox by name in php , In that case in you don't check and hit submit , You will get Undefined parameter 'name_of _checkbox' As Error.

How do you Display The Error Messages in PHP?

To display your own defined error message in php simply echo error message. To see errro message while query execution simply do mysql_error(); Or so enable syntax error and warnings use error_reporting(1) in the beggining of script.

What does a default gateway error mean?

In the computer networking setup, a default gateway connects a local network to the internet. The default gateway error generally refers to an error code where one server receives an invalid response from another server.

What PHP Codes?

if i got your question right, you mean "what are php tags?" your should write PHP codes between <?php ... ?> where ... should be replaced by codes that you need. But if you mean "what are php codes?": there are some default codes that you may find them on, and the other part is codes (Functions or classes) that other programmers develops..