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Electric eels send a electric current through the water to stun their attacker.

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Q: What is the defense mechanism of a electric eel?
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What does an electric eel use its electricity for?

It is used as both a defensive mechanism to avoid predators, and an offensive mechanism when they are hunting.

What country does an electric eel come from?

The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), is an electric fish, and the only species of the genus Electrophorus. It is capable of generating powerful electric shocks, which it uses for both hunting and self-defense. It is an apex predator in its South American range. Despite its name it is not an eel but rather a knifefish.

What shape does an electric eel have?

what shape is a Electric Eel

How many volts electrical can electrical eels?

The electric eel frequently emits low voltage pulses for navigational purposes and to communicate. When using it in defense or when hunting they are capable of shocks of up to 600v.

Which animals are able to make electricity how do they do it and what do they use it for?

The electric eel probably the most famous electric animal is not a true eel, but a member of the catfish family. Using special cells in its body that act like a battery the eel will normally use its charge for stunning prey. The eel is famous for using its charge in self defense.

What color is the electric eel?

The electric eel is the colour brown.

How is a defense mechanism?

What is a defense mechanism

Who made the electric eel?

No one made the electric eel, it is an animal.

If an electric eel is not a true eel then what is it?

It is a catfish and carp. It is not an eel.

What is the difference between an eel and an electric eel?

The eel is not electric and is able to be touched by human where as the electric eel will zap you if you touch it.

How does the electric eel use the electric discharge?

The Electric Eel uses the electric discharges for hunting and self defence

What size does an electric eel get to?

An Electric Eel grows up to almost 8ft