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The religion of Roman Catholicism has a ritual called confirmation which is performed at the age of 13 (much like a Jewish bar mitzvah) and the purpose is to give the 13 year old child the opportunity to confirm, or verify, the he or she is indeed a Catholic. You don't just get born into Catholicism, you choose to be a Catholic, and this is the usual ritual by which it is done.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I don't know what kind of church you go to, but I am Catholic, and I happen to be receiving Confirmation this year. Confirmation is spiritually become and adult in the church. The Holy Spirit comes and gives you special graces. It also removes all sin from your soul, but you can only receive it once.

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15y ago

The deifinition of the word 'confirm': To prove something as bring true.

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8y ago

A confirment is a person (usually around age 14) who is preparing to be confirmed in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.

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13y ago

Comfirm means v.make firmer or definite.

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What is a person that is being confirmed in a religion called -?

A person who is being confirmed is called a Confirmand. Plural is Confirmandi.

What is a person that is being confirmed in a religion called?

A person who is being confirmed is called a Confirmand. Plural is Confirmandi.

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Being a provisional patient, you have a diagnosis that is not 100 percent certain and confirmed. The diagnosis is based on the information available to your health professional.

What do you receive as a result of being confirmed?

It would obviously depend on the religion but in most cases it would mean receiving the "holy spirit/ghost" and being committed to the church.

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It mean "location" Where are you located???

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A certainty, for sure, confirmed.

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"Yet to be confirmed" could mean a transaction has not yet been approved. It could also mean information has not been verified or authenticated.

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You can have no sponsors! The pope changed it

What does tbc miles mean?

tbc means - to be confirmed

Can you be confirmed at baptism and confirmation service?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you have completed instructions and being approved by the priest, then you can be confirmed along with the rest.