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Parasitism is when one orgaism lives of another organsim. One receives benefits and the other is damaged. However it is usually not fatal to the host as the parasite needs the host to survive.

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Q: What is the definition for the word parasitism?
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What is the definition of theatrical parasitism?

The definition of theatrical parasitism is an acted relationship between two parties. In such a relationship, only one party benefits at the expense of the other.

Is Fiji is an example of parasitism?

No, Fiji is a country. Parasitism is described as a symbiotic relationship between organisms. Fiji does not fit the definition of an organism.

What is the definition of eratic parasitism?

Erratic parasitism is a parasite that goes from one animal to another species. An example of erratic parasites is lice and psoric acarina.

What is the defintion for the word parasitism?

Parasitism is when one organism lives off another (host). Like fleas on a dog, for instance.

What is the word for organism that benefits in parasitism?

I think it is a parasite.

What is the definition and examples of parasitism?

The state or behavior of a parasite; the act of a parasite., The state of being parasitic.

What is a short definition of parasitism?

A parasite spends most of its life in or on the tissue of a host which would is very harmful to it.

What is the word for relationship that benefits one species and harms another?

It is parasitism

What is a word describing the parasite vs host relationship?

parasitism. or "parasitic relationship"

What one word sHow is how flukes and tapeworms get their food?

If you want one word that will describe how tapeworms and flukes get their food, that word is parasitism.

Is the relationship between the moth and sloth parasitism?


How could you use parasitism in a sentence?

There is a parasitism relationship in this house.