

What is the definition of a compounds?

Updated: 6/29/2022
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9y ago

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A thing which is made up of more than one type of atom. Something which is made up of just one atom is called an element.

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Vaughn Herzog

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Originally the definition of organic compounds was those chemical compounds that could only be made by living things. However as chemists learned ways to make these compounds the definition was changed to complex carbon compounds.

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Silicon is an element, and therefore by definition no compounds are found in it!

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By definition, all compounds must have a net electrical charge of 0.

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Compounds by definition are not elements at all and therefore cannot be metal elements.

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Can compounds be further divided?

Yes. By definition, compounds contain at least two distinct elements and can be separated into these elements.

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those compounds which have ability to absorb water from its surroundings are known as hygroscopic compounds

Is there any examples of compounds and mixtures that are the same?

by definition, no -- because a compound is a chemically-bonded material at the atomic level, and a mixture by definition is "more than one element or compounds combined that do NOT form a chemical bond".

What is latest definition of organic chemistry?

This is the chemistry of compounds containing carbon; but traditionally compounds containing carbon are considered as inorganic compounds.

Is it true that some organic compounds do not have carbon?

No, by definition an organic compound contains carbon.