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  • absorb: take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
  • become similar to one's environment; "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly"
  • take (gas, light or heat) into a solution
  • become similar in sound; "The nasal assimilates to the following consonant"
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8y ago

state of being assimilated. People gathering together in a country and dissolve in the culture.

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To take in and incorporate as one's own

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Q: What is the definition of assimilation?
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What is beneatha definition of assimilation?

Assimilation refers to the process of integrating individuals or groups into a dominant culture. It often involves adopting the customs, language, and values of the dominant culture while relinquishing aspects of one's original culture. This can lead to a loss of distinct cultural identity for those undergoing assimilation.

What does Assimilation mean in a social studies definition?

Assimilation in social studies refers to the process by which individuals or groups adopt the customs, values, and behaviors of a dominant culture. This often involves giving up aspects of one's own culture to conform to the norms of the dominant culture.

A sentence for assimilation?

The assimilation into our society by foreigners is a bad idea.

What is biological assimilation?

Assimilation is the absorbtion of biological nutrients into the cell

What is 'assimilation' when translated from English to Italian?

"Assimilation" in English is assorbimento in Italian.

What is the policy assimilation?

Assimilation is the process of digesting food and absorption of nutrient.

What is marital assimilation?

Marital assimilation is apparent when large-scale intermarriage occurs.

What do you understand by the term assimilation policy and show the effect?

Answer this question...effect of assimilation

What is one-way assimilation?

Policies aimed at the assimilation of ethnic groups where equality is the professed goal. There are many criticisms of one-way assimilation. Google it.

What is the definition of a learning?

Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors, or attitudes through study, experience, or instruction. It involves the assimilation and integration of new information into one's existing understanding and abilities.

Definition of cultural assimilation?

Cultural assimilation is the process by which individuals or groups adopt the customs, habits, language, and values of another culture, often at the expense of their own cultural identity. It can involve changes in behavior, beliefs, and lifestyle to conform to the dominant culture in a society.