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Delinquent tax returns are tax returns that have been filed late, or not at all; usually this incurs penalties and fees that increase over time, so it's best to pay your taxes fully and on time.

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Q: What is the definition of delinquent tax returns?
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where can I get delinquent tax returns ?

There are many online websites that offer services for unfiled tax returns. You can also contat a local lawyer or the IRS to get help with delinquent tax returns.

The deadline and penalty associated with delinquent tax returns.?

By the government's definition, income tax returns will become delinquent if it is post marked after April 15th, unless an extension was granted. The penalty of failure to file income tax is 5% on the amount that is due. The penalty of the failure to pay is 0.5% of the amount owed per month. Both of the penalties has a maximum amount of 25%.

what are the consequences for delinquent tax returns ?

If you have a delinquent tax return the IRS will charge interest on any tax that you owe the government. If your tax return states that you will receive a credit, then there is no penalty for filing late. If you fail to files taxes for a long period of time, and owe the government money, criminal charges may be brought upon you, as well as tax liens.

Can medical delinquent bills take your state tax refund?

Medical bills are usually collected through garnishments, liens, and attachments. Tax returns are usually taken to pay old tax debts.

Who can I contact about having late or delinquent federal tax returns?

You need to contact the IRS directly. Whether that is calling them and wading through the automated system or by going to

A server provided by e-government that requires access to the internet is?

E-tax returns

Is it illegal to leave a one year old with a juvenile delinquent?

No. A juvenile delinquent is not a legal definition it is a social one. In addition delinquency means 'failing in duty', which is an adult trait. By definition a juvenile has not attained adulthood therefore cannot be delinquent. A person may be delinquent in some duties but not in others.

What is a word for submitting your tax returns?

You "file" your tax returns with the taxing authority (federal government, etc.) You can also "efile" your tax returns by submitting them electronically.

How do I claim my back tax returns?

By using the IRS, you can claim tax returns easily. The IRS is a good way to get tax returns. If you have any troubleshooting, they have a help section.

Does EZ tax returns do business tax returns?

In addition to their other services EZ tax does do business tax returns, although additional charges may be applied depending on the location and size of business.

What is the law for presidential candidates to release their tax returns?

There is no law that requires any person to release their tax returns. The tax returns are private information protected by privacy laws.

What are some tax software I can buy to do state tax returns?

There are lot of tax software that can do state tax returns on the internet. One of the tax software out there, TurboTax, is available at