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The virtue of doing a charitable deed for someone else.

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Being gentle and helpful to people .

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Q: What is the definition of kindness?
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Why most of the humans are kind-less?

By this, do you mean, "why do most humans lack kindness?" If so, you beg the question of whether the proposition that most humans DO lack kindness is true or not. In order to determine the answer to this question, you would have to first come up with an operational definition of kindness. How does one define "kindness?" Once you have decided what you mean by "kindness", you must then randomly sample the populations of humans, representing all ages, genders, cultures, nationalities, sexual orientations and such, and test them for the existence of kindness. Once you determine whether or not humans lack kindness, then and only then can you begin to determine the answer to *why* it is or is not so.

Definition of hospitality?

The word hospitality simply means the kindness and friendly behaviour u render to someone .. THANKS FOR UR HOSPITALITY

What is the definition of complacency?

Calm contentment; satisfaction; gratification., The cause of pleasure or joy., The manifestation of contentment or satisfaction; good nature; kindness; civility; affability.

What is the definition of the word humanitarianism?

The term 'humanitarianism' refers to ethics, particularly kindness, concern and sympathy to human beings. For example, humanitarians wish to treat animals fairly.

Definition of Service?

Service means that you are doing something for someone else. Sometimes one will get paid for their services and other times services are given to other people out of kindness.

How do you use kindness in sentencce?

Her kindness is immeasurable.

What is the Welsh for kindness?

Caredigrwydd means 'kindness'.

What is the Greek word for kindness?

ευγένεια = kindness

What are similes for kindness?


What is the stress in the word kindness?

The stress in "kindness" is on the first syllable.

What is a sentence with the word kindness in it?

His kindness made him the most popular kid in the school.