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Well, theism is the belief in a personal god, and darwinism is darwinian evolution via natural selection, so I imagine theistic Darwinism would be accepting evolution and believing in a personal god at the same time. Christians who accept theistic Darwinism assume that the creation story found in Genesis came about due to macro evolution (i.e. the evolution of one species from another).

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The basic idea is that evolution does indeed occur much as the genetic and fossil evidence testifies, but that it is not simply a natural coincidence of factors, but rather designed or guided by gods or by a god.

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Q: What is the basic idea of theistic evolution?
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What is naturalistic evolution?

Theistic evolution is the idea that God intervenes to guide the course of evolution. Naturalistic evolution makes no mention of God. Naturalistic evolution is the idea that evolution is a normal result of natural processeses. Naturalistic evolution is compatible with both atheism, and compatible with the idea of a God that can set in motion self-sufficient processes that work without any need for ongoing intervention.

Why is theistic evolution a widely accepted theory?

Technically, theistic evolution isn't a theory. It's a religious belief. It's a belief that's widely held because many people feel that accepting the scientific theory of evolution does not conflict with their theistic beliefs.

What is another name for a theistic view of evolution?

The answer is Paleontology.

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What evolution is a compromise between the Bible and evolutionary science?

A:A compromise is sometimes described as an agreement by which neither side can be really happy. So it is with so-called 'theistic evolution', an attempted compromise that allows Christians to believe that God still had a role in creation as he guided evolution down its path, at the same time as they can accept that the science of evolution is proven. Many Christians remain unconvinced by this compromise because it means giving up long-held, cherished beliefs that God created every living thing just as we see it now, just 6000 years ago.Research scientists can not agree with the compromise because it leaves no room for natural selection, known to be the major driving force behind evolution.

What is theistic?

Theistic evolution is a concept that asserts that the classic religious teachings about God are compatible with the modern scientific understanding about biological evolution. In short, theistic evolutionists believe that there is a God, that God is the creator of the material universe and all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God employed to develop the various life forms seen today. Theistic evolutionists may also believe that humans evolved, or that they were specially created by God, and that all other life was allowed to evolve.

How was the world created according to theistic evolution?

Theistic evolution holds that God created the universe and guided the evolutionary process over billions of years. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom

What is the concept of God that says there is one God who does not involve himself in his creation is?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I think you are referring to theistic evolution. This states that God created matter and then left it to evolution to finish.

Which is true God or evolution?

That depends on who you ask. Some even believe both are true - 'Theistic Evolution.'

What is the central idea of evolution?

That there is no central idea.

Who proposed the theory of theistic evolution?

The term 'Theistic Evolution' was used by Eugenie Scott to refer to the theological view that God creates through evolution. Theistic evolution is not a scientific theory, but a particular view about how the science of evolution could relate to religious belief and interpretation.For more information, please visit:

Do Methodists believe in evolution?

In 2008 the United Methodist Church made 3 major statements strongly in favor of Theistic Evolution. Most Methodists would identify with this position saying that evolution in and of itself does not conflict with theology. So yes, The Methodist Church does believe in evolution and is NOT considered to be fundamentalist or creationist.