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Q: What is the The first basic idea of evolution traced back to?
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When were emeralds discovered?

There is no account as to who was the person to first discover the emerald. These gemstones date back to before 1650 BC. They are traced to the upper Egypt region.

Was Charles Darwin the first person to develop a theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin went to an island (Galapagos)where he studied the beaks of finches. He noticed that the although the birds were from the same species, they looked different. This is how he worked out that "Species change over time to adapt to their environment."

What are 3 examples of evolution?

In terms of biological evolution, every species on Earth has evolved from previous species, and every anatomical feature, and every chemical pathway or other biological trait is also the product of evolution. Multicellular organisms evolved from unicellular organisms. Mammals and birds both evolved from reptiles, which evolved from amphibians which evolved from fish. (alternate answer) Evolution is still a theory. mainly because no has been able to explain why if a species "evolved" do we still have the original species... and why do we not have hundreds of transitional, "inbetweener", species. If an elephant came from a frog... there should be something in between. Are we to believe that something came from nothing, all by it's self... (reply to alternate answer) Evolution is still a theory, because theories are what science produces. Only religion produces dogma. Plenty of species are extinct, so I do not see the basis for your question ""why do we still have the original species?" However, evolution is not always a process of replacement. It is also a process of filling new ecological niches. So an earlier species can fill one niche while a later species that evolved from the earlier species can fill a different niche. Then there is the claim that "If an elephant came from a frog...there should be something in between" We don't know that the evolution of elephants can be traced directly to frogs, although in general (as I said previously) mammals did evolve from reptiles which evolved from amphibians. But of course, this means that there was something in between frogs and elephants. Actually there would have been a great many intermediary phases, some of which species still exist, and others of which are extinct. Finally, nothing in the theory of evolution says that something came from nothing, all by itself. Each step of evolution comes from a previous step, and the first step of biological evolution is non-living matter, known as the primordial soup. And that too can be traced back, step by step, as far as the Big Bang. The origin of the Big Bang itself falls beyond the realm of biological evolution and is a complex topic, and that too is not something from nothing (but I am not going to get into the details, which would be a digression). Also, for Creationists, it does you no good to complain that evolution tries to make something from nothing. You have no explanation of where God comes from. Your theory is the one that tries to come up with something from nothing.

How does homologous structures and analogous structures provide evidence that evolution has occurred?

Structures which are apparently different and performing different functions but their basic structure is similar are called homologous structures and indicate common ancestry eg. fore limbs of bat , whale , horse dog and man apparently different but are made up of humerus , radius , ulna , carpel , metacarpals and phalanges .

On which ship was the origin of species written?

The Origin of Species was not written on a ship. However, Charles Darwin started to write down his ideas of evolution a few years after he had come back from a journey with the HMS Beagle.

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