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Q: What is the density of air at 273 kelvin?
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At what temperature does all kinetic energy cease?

Zero Kelvin - about -273 Centigrade.Zero Kelvin - about -273 Centigrade.Zero Kelvin - about -273 Centigrade.Zero Kelvin - about -273 Centigrade.

How do you Convert 245 degree Celsius into Kelvin?

kelvin = celsius + 273 kelvin = 245 +273 kelvin = 518

Which is colder 273 degrees kelvin or 280 degrees kelvin?

273 kelvin is colder than 280 kelvin.

0 is equal to -273 Fahrenheit on the kelvin scale?


What is the temature of 293k in cesious and farinhiat?

Converting Kelvin itu Celsius : X Kelvin = (X-273) Celsius 293 Kelvin = 293-273 celcius 293 kelvin = 20 celcius Converting Kelvin to Fahrenheit : X Kelvin = ((X-273) * 1.8) + 32 Fahrenheit 293 Kelvin = ((293-273) * 1.8) + 32 Fahrenheit 293 Kelvin = 68 Fahrenheit

What is the value of the temperature if degrees Celsius in degrees Kelvin?

To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you add 273. To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, you subtract 273.

Does 0 Kelvin equal -273 degrees Celsius?


32 celsius equal to how many kelvin?

32 degree celsius=(273+32) kelvin, Remember: 1 degree Centigrade = 273 kelvin

Does 0 degrees celsius -273 Kelvin?


Which temperature scale was used of water froze at 273 degrees?

Water freezes at 273 on the Kelvin scale. To covert Kelvin to Celsius, you subtract 273 from the Kelvin number, so 273 Kelvin is equal to 0 degrees Celsius, the freezing point of water.

What is-175c on the kelvin scale?

-273-175= 98 degrees Kelvin.

How do you convert celsias to kelvin?

To go from Celsius to Kelvin add 273.