

Best Answer

Expansionism (if the territories were not previously in the nation's control)

Predestinationism (if the territories are considered to be part of the country, but not yet under the nation's control nor have they ever been)

Revanchism (if the territories used to be under the nation's control in the past and the nation seeks to reclaim them)


Some general terms are : expansionism, territorial aim, urge to conquer.

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Ulises Murazik

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Q: What is the desire to take over lands for one's own country?
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When a country take over lands or countrie's?


What is it When a country takes over new lands or coutries?

When a country takes over new lands or countries, it is known as colonialism or imperialism. This often involves establishing control over the political, economic, and social structures of the territory being colonized.

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When country takes over new lands or countries?

When a country takes over new lands or countries it is known as imperialism, colonization or annexation. This can be driven by motives such as expanding territory, resources, power, or spreading ideology. It often involves political and military dominance over the conquered land and its people.

When a country takes over new lands?

When a country takes over new lands, it may lead to colonization, which involves establishing control over the territory and its resources. This can result in cultural assimilation, conflict with indigenous populations, and political disputes with other nations over territorial claims. The impact of such actions can have lasting effects on the people and environment of the region.

What country took over the lands of India?

At one time, India was part of the British Empire, until India gained independence.

What is the desire to take over lands for one's own country called?

Expansionism (if the territories were not previously in the nation's control) Predestinationism (if the territories are considered to be part of the country, but not yet under the nation's control nor have they ever been) Revanchism (if the territories used to be under the nation's control in the past and the nation seeks to reclaim them) --- Some general terms are : expansionism, territorial aim, urge to conquer.

What was the religion of the European settlers who took over the cheokee lands?

christian-proof:~99%of Europeans during that period of were Christian so be deductive reasoning the ones who took tat land over were christian

What is a sentence using the word megalomaniac?

The dictator was known for his megalomaniac desire for power and control over the country.

What is the historical meaning of planting your flag regarding land ownership?

If you planted your flag, then that country owned it. This was how people would take over new lands.

What is the best description for imperialism?

The desire or tendency of extending control of one country over another territory is referred to as imperialism