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Q: What is the destruction of abnormal tissue with chemicals or an electrically heated instrument called?
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What is urethrolysis?

Urethrostenosis is abnormal narrowing of the urethra.

What is an astrogliosis?

An astrogliosis is an abnormal increase in the number of astrocytes due to the destruction of neurons.

What is an astrocytosis?

An astrocytosis is an abnormal increase in the number of astrocytes due to the destruction of neurons.

What is the medical term for pertaining to the destruction of blood anemia?

Hemolysis is the medical term meaning destruction of red blood cells. Hemolytic anemia is an abnormal decrease in the number of red blood cells due to their destruction.

Effects of marijuana and inhaled chemicals to family?

Euphoria,light-headedness,poor concentration and abnormal behavior

What is cancer and how does it occur?

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. It can be caused by chemicals, diet, infection, or radiation

What is cryogenic surgery?

The selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often by applying a probe containing liquid nitrogen, to bring about the destruction or elimination of abnormal cells/ cancer.

What risks are associated with hemoperfusion?

similar to those for hemodialysis, including infection, bleeding, blood clotting, destruction of blood platelets, an abnormal drop in blood pressure, and equipment failure.

Where is transmission temperature locate on 1997 dodge ram truck?

there is no gauge that shows trans temp, but there is an indicator light on instrument panel that will light up "trans temp" if abnormal

What causes absence seizure?

Absence seizures are implicated with an abnormal imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain that modulate nerve cell activity (one of these neurotransmitters is called GABA, which functions as an inhibitor).

What is the hemolytic disease of the newborn?

This is a condition in which there is abnormal destruction of the red blood cells of the baby. It can be due to blood group incompatibility between mother and baby or due to diseases of red blood cells in the baby.