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first he has many conditions

ahem spoiler alert

ok so first off hes a jinkuriki sp like naruto

hes also manic depresseive aka bipolar

hes aslo depressed and schitzoidal sp again

hes also dead which is a condition of being dead and therfore diagnosed as dead... ahem but he comes back yaaay


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Q: What is the diagnosis when someone has a condition like Gaara's?
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Is teasing the same as taking the mick?

teasing is like if you harass someone playfully and/or maliciously. taking the mick is when you like mock something like eg: if someone says something and someone else starts laughing horribly about it.

What is a hoghead?

Someone who is stubborn and obnoxius, and does not now when to stop aggravation against others...(like someone I know...)

Who does jaden smith like now?

someone who is not crazy about him

How did the rumour that Josh Peck died get started?

someone who doesn't like josh batterd him and told someone he killed him.

Is it possible to mesmerize someone like in Artemis Fowl?

Not in real life.

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