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Q: What is the diameter and life expectancy of a super-cell thunderstorm?
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Which planet has the shortest year?

We're currently only aware of one planet that supports any life. That planet is Earth, the one you're presumably on right now. Since this is the only planet with life, it has both the longest and the shortest life span. Life span varies depending on what organism you're talking about. The human life span -- the longest a human is confirmed to have lived -- is approximately 122 years old. Life span is different than life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average length of a human life, and it varies widely based on factors such as geography, poverty, gender, race, etc. If you went to any other planet in our solar system without proper protective equipment (spacesuit, etc.), your life expectancy would be exceedingly small.

If a star was 150 solar masses what would its lifetime be?

A star that was 150 solar masses would spend the main part of its life as a main sequence star before collapsing into a white dwarf. A stars mass determines the life expectancy as well as its probable cause of death.

Which is bigger a galaxy or a white dwarf star?

All galaxies.A white dwarf star is the remains of a medium sized star that has ended it's life - so they are everywhere.

What would happen if Earth and the moon collided?

The collision will destroy all life on Earth. The moon is 2,159 miles in diameter. So if it hits, it will leave a huge impact basin thousands of miles across

What would happen if an asteroid with diameter of 1-3 kilometer range smashed into earth?

That would be the end of life on earth for all the animals above the size of a cockroach and most of the plants especially if it hit an ocean.