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in km it is 6,794 km you should be able to figure that out because i really don't want to !

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4,220 miles (6,790 kilometers).

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Q: What is the diameter of mars in km?
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How long is the diameter of Mars?

Mars is 6,794 km in diameter

How many Mars equal one Earth?

Mars is 5962 km in diameter smaller than Earth, which is 12756 km in diameter. Mars is 6794 km in diameter. So 12756 km - 6794 km = 5962 km.

What is the diameter and circumference of Mars?

Mars is 6,792 km or 4,220 miles at its equator.

What is marss diameter?

The diameter of Mars is 6,794 km.

What is the diameter in miles and kilometers of mars?

The diameter of Mars is 6,794 km, which is 4,222 miles.

What is the Diameter km of mars?


What is the diameter and circumference of mars in kilometers?

diameter = 2*radiuscircumference = pi*diameterThe equatorial diameter of Mars is about 6792 km, and its equatorial circumference is about 21,339 km.

What is the diameterof planet Mars?

The diameter of mars is 6772 km

What is the diameter of mars the diameter of Mars is approximately 6780 km or 4213 miles in diameter on average which is 0.53226 times that of the Earth?

The diameter of Mars is 6785 kilometers.

What is Earth's diameter compared to Mars'?

The diameter of Mars is just over half the diameter of Earth.To be accurate, it depends on where you measure it.The equatorial radius of Mars is 3,396.2 km which is 0.533 Earth's 6,378.1 km.The polar radius of Mars is 3,376.2 km which is 0.531 Earth's 6,356.8 km.

How large is Mars and were is it located?

Mars is 6792 km in diameter at the equator, while the Earth is 12756 km in diameter at the equator. The Diameter of Mars is around 53% of Earths. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, orbiting at a distance of 227,936,640 km (141,633,263 miles) from the sun on average.

What is the size of Mars compared to Mercury?

Mars, the second-smallest planet, has a diameter of just 6,788 km and the smallest planet, Mercury, has a diameter of 4,880 km, less than 2,000 km smaller than Mars. So it would take 1.34 mercury's to equal the diameter of Mars.