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Condescension is an attitude or act of patronizing superiority.

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11y ago

The dictionary defines condescension as behavior that is patronizing or condescending.. As well as a voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior.

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Condescension means looking down on someone, thinking you are better than they are. Here are some sentences.I don't like the condescension in your voice.She is full of condescension for anyone who makes less money than she does.That remark smacked of condescension!

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~dictionary entries are the things you put in a dictionary (the words). =)

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It is the same as the Dictionary definition.

How do you use the word condescension in a sentence?

Condescension is a long word and i am putting it in to a sentence.

What is the affix of condescension?

The affix in the word "condescension" is "con-" which is a prefix meaning "with" or "together."

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