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By brethren I am guessing you are talking about exclusive brethren. Exclusive brethren are just as the name suggests - exclusive and conservative. Initiation or entrance into the church is usually by birth (ie, you need to be born to a family of exclusive brethren to join the church) They exclude and ignore much of what happens in the world around them. They use nothing that may distract them from God - radio, TV, newspapers, books, games. They speak to no one else but those within the church. They have a particular way of dressing which is very conservative. Often all that the people of the church own is actually owned by the church - houses, cars, businesses, everything. This makes it very hard to leave as those who do leave often leave their families and all that they have, never to return again. Exclusive brethren men all share the roles as leaders during worship services. The Catholic church is an inclusive church - it welcomes anyone who is willing to listen. There are no real rules about watching, listening or reading anything (other than a few movies and books which the Pope believes should not be seen, but often this just makes people want to see them more). Catholics are visible within a community, helping where they can and living as Jesus wants us to live. Catholics own all their own belongings and assets. The Catholic church is moving with the times, becoming more openly accepting of others views, opinions and cultures. The Catholic church has a heirachy of clergy who are spiritual leaders. Brethren and Catholic are two very different Churches. The only similarity is that both are Christian churches

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Q: What is the difference between Brethren and Catholic?
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