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There is no difference, Catholics are Christians, if you are asking about the difference between a particular protestant wedding and a Christian Catholic wedding, then you should ask that.

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Q: What is the difference between a Catholic wedding and a Christian wedding?
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The Church of England is a Christian church. Perhaps you mean is the ceremony the same as a Catholic wedding ceremony? There are differences between the ceremonies, but also basic similarities.

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there is no difference

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Contact your local Catholic Church and inquire about joining the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programme.

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A Christian wedding is more lavish than a Buddhist wedding which is more hu,ble than a Christian wedding and they have lots of fun when being married :)

What is the difference between nuptial and wedding?

The nuptials are the ceremony or vows and the wedding is the party.

What is a Catholic wedding ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

Differene between marriage and wedding?

well the difference is that a marriage is something simple and you don't have a big ''ol'' party and wedding is a bug white dress a big party. That's the difference between wedding and marriage.

Who can be an attendent at a Catholic wedding?

Anyone can be an attendant at Catholic wedding.

What religion is Owen Wilson?

Luke and Owen Wilson both come from an Irish Catholic family and maintain their religion. Owen Wilson personally said he'd like to honor his religion by having a traditional Catholic wedding when being interviewed for his movie "Wedding Crashers".

Is a wedding a ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

If a Christian wants to marry a Catholic what must take place in order to have the wedding?

It is assumed that by Christian you mean someone who is not Catholic but is of a Christian denomination, as Catholics are Christians. If a non-Catholic Christian desires to marry a Catholic and vice versa the Church usually will not allow the marriage unless the non-Catholic party converts. In some situations the Catholic can apply for a dispensation to marry someone outside his/her Faith, but whether this is granted is ultimately up to the parish priest. For the dispensation to go through, the non-Catholic party must submit their baptismal record, must agree to have the wedding in a Catholic church presided over by a Catholic priest and agree that in the future they will not interfere with the practice of the Catholic faith of their spouse as well as agree that any children are reared Catholic. These restrictions are both to discourage mixed marriages as well as protect the faith of the Catholic party and its transmission to the next generation.

Where is the wedding going to be between a Christian woman and a Muslim man?

The women usually chooses,