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Chi, ki or qi corresponds to prana in the Hindu system. Active prana often feels like slightly electric tingling flows passing through the body. Kundalini flows are a much faster moving, far more electrically intense version of these.

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Chi, Ki, or Qi are all terms used in various Eastern traditions to refer to the concept of life force energy. Kundalini, on the other hand, specifically refers to a dormant energy that is said to be coiled at the base of the spine in Hindu tradition and can be awakened through various practices like yoga and meditation to achieve spiritual awakening and transformation.

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What are Chi and Ki?

They are words for the "life force", the energy in the universe and in all things. Martial arts teach how to feel and use the power of this force."Chi" is the Chinese name for this energy and "Ki" is the Japanese word for it.For examples: The word chi is used in the martial art Tai Chi and ki is a part of the word Reiki which is Japanese for universal life force that is used in the practice of Reiki, an energy healing discipline.See the related questions for more information.

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Chi is Chinese and Ki is Japanese what language is Qi?

They represent the same character. The difference is just a variation on the romanization of the sound. Qi, in fact, should be the most accurate for the Chinese character since it is the standard pinyin spelling of the pronunciation since chi is more of a romanization of the sound.

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