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Q: What is the difference between Forward trading and future trading in India?
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What is commodity trading or exchange?

commodity trading is the trading of primary products on exchange. spot trading and future trading of comodities are done to take advantage of difference between current and future prices.

Basic difference between forward contract and future contract?

Futures are traded in Organized Exchanges while Forwards are Over-The-Counter (OTC) traded

What are the trading mechanism of forward market?

if the market goes up sell spot buy in future market if market goes down buy spot sell in future market

What is the difference between science and future?

I don't see a difference really. the future will always involve science

When did Future Trading Act happen?

Future Trading Act happened in 1921.

What is the difference between hedging and forward contracts?

A forward contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price agreed today. An option is an agreement between two parties for the option to buy or sell an asset at a certain future time for a certain price agreed today. The main difference is that a forward contract has to happen while an option may or may not happen depending on the value of the asset compared to the agreed price

What is the difference between currency future and currency option?

The difference between a currency future and a currency option is the option is the amount paid is all that is at risk and with future you could lose a lot more.

What is the difference between the future and in future?

Some people pronounce the word in a different manner.

How can one get train up about future trading strategy?

One can get "more information" about future trading strategies from the following sources: Investopedia, trading futures, united futures, trade to freedom, price group, future trading secrets.

What are the definitions of Commodity Trading and Future Trading online?

Commodity trading involves the trading of goods or commodities in the present time. Future trading is when the trade is set up in advance, and carried out at a later date.

What is the difference between swaps and forward contracts?

By Irfan Ullah (MS MAJU Islamabad)Difference between swap and future market:NoFuture contractSwap1Traded at exchangeNot2No counterpartyHaving counter party3Clearing house existNo4No riskRisk of the counter party exist5Marked to marketRarely marked to market6Mostly long term contractMostly short term7RegulatedUnregulated

What are the differences between a forward contract a future contract and options?

1) forward contract is not standardised is only traded in OTC(over the counter) where as future contract is a standardised one it is traded in Secondary Market