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A monarch is the sole leader of a monarchial government and that type of government is also called a monarchy

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A monarch is a nation's royal leader, and the monarchy is the monarch and all the subjects and lands under his or her rule.

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Which A statement comparing constitutional and absolute monarchies?

The difference between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy is that in the absolute monarchy, the monarch holds the supreme or absolute powers, whereas in the constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a hereditary or elected monarch

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The main difference between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy is that in an absolute monarchy, the monarch has absolute control and power, whereas, in a constitutional monarchy, the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution. Monarchy is a form of governance in which a single person acts as the head of state.

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a monarchy ruled by a direct monarch.

What is the difference between constitutional monarchy and an absolute monarchy?

In a constitutional monarchy, like in England, the monarch does not have much power at all, because there is a constitution. In an absolute monarchy, they have absolute power. In a constitutional monarchy, the power of the monarch is limited by some set of rules or document (e.g. a constitution), which sets out the powers given to the monarch. Other powers are given to other groups, commonly judges and a legislature. How much power is given to each group and the monarch varies widely, and is entirely up to the constitution of the country in question. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch is presumed to be God-(or other deity)-ordained, and rules with no limits on their power.

What are the liberty and personal freedoms in an absolute monarchy?

In an absolute monarchy, the liberty and freedom of the monarch are absolute, and the liberty and freedom of the subjects of the monarch are whatever the monarch chooses to give them.

What is a direct monarchy and a limited monarchy?

A direct monarchy is a system of government where a monarch holds absolute power and makes all decisions without constraints from a constitution or parliament. In contrast, a limited monarchy is a system where the monarch's powers are constitutionally restricted by a parliament or other governing body, and they share power with other branches of government.

What are some Monarchy facts?

A monarchy's leader is a monarch or a King_ and queen_

Does the US have a monarch?

No the United States of America does not have any monarch/ monarchy.

What is the base word of monarchy?

The base word of monarchy is "monarch." A monarch is a ruler, usually a king or queen, who has supreme authority over a nation or territory.

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