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Q: What is the difference between a 1960's car and a 2010 car?
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What is the engine on the car impala ss?

Need to specify a model year. BIG difference between an Impala from the 1960s and an Impala from the 2000s.

What is the expensive car in 1960s?

The farrari 250 gto is the most expensive car of the 1960s.

What was the fastest car in he 1960s?

It was between the camaro and the mustang, I think it was the camaro. Gary Gabolich drove his jet powered car the "Blue Flame" 622.4 miles per hour at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in the 1960s.

What is the difference between armoured car and non amoured car?

The armoured car has armour.

What was the best selling car of the 1960s?

VW beetle was the best selling car in the United States and World-Wide in the 1960s.

What is the difference between a car with a flat wheel and a tree?

The difference between a car with a flat wheel and a tree is that the wheel can be replaced, and the car will transport you. A tree will not transport you from one location to another.

What is the difference between a car and a truck?

Well the main difference is that a car is made out of plastic, and a truck is made out of metal.

What is the difference between a car and a sheep?

the answer is the number of letters

What is the difference between the taxi and car?

a taxi is yello

What is the difference between PCs other computers OSs?

What is the difference between a car and other means of transport? Got it?

What is the difference between a Didi car and a swing car?

I think its to do with the patent in didcars which was the original

What is the difference between car and bicycle?

a car is faster and much safer then a bicycle. your welcome