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1. Vapour is formed when a liquid is boiled- like steam would be the vapour form of water. 2. If you take a small quantity of water and spray it thru a fine nozzle under high pressure, the resultant spray, which would be made of very fine droplets of water would be called a mist.

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Q: What is the difference between a Vapour and a Mist?
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What is the difference between spritesierra mist and 7up?

jebus is 7up and not spritesierra mist

What is the difference between water vapour and steam?

the difference is that water vapour is just one particle that joins together with more and more to form steam

What is the difference between gas and vapours?

None, except the plural in (vapour)s

What is the difference between mist and fog in tables?

Mist is a common sign of fog and is very light Fog is very thick and sometimes we can not see at all Mist ussally means low clouds Fog does mean very low clouds with some kind of water it ussually takes place in winter

What is the different between vapour and steam?

If you look carefully at a boiling kettle, water vapour is the white vapour you can see. Steam is actually the invisible short section between the spout of the kettle and the start of the water vapour.