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Q: What is the difference between a biome and tropical zone?
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What is the difference between biome and life zone?

there is no difference they both mean the exact same thing =)

What is responsible for setting up the difference between the tropical temperature and the polar zone?

Earth's tilt

What is the biome in new Delhi?

The forest and wildlife dept of government of India has indentified 10 biogeographical zones: 1 Himalayan zone. 2 Desert zone. 3 Semiarid zone. 4 Western ghat zone. 5 Deccan platea zone. 6 Gangetic plain zone. 7 North east zone. 8 Coastal zone. 9 Islands present near the shore line. 10 Trans Himalyan zone

What are the differences between Jamaica and japan?

Jamaica is in the tropical zone and Japan is in the temperate zone;

What is the difference between bird of paradise leaf and hosta leaf?

Bird of paradise is a tropical plant. Hosta is a plant that grows from zone 3 to zone 9.

Where on Earth is the tropical zone located?

The tropical zone is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn on Earth.

What is another biome that is close to the desert?

The savannah is a transition zone between a desert and another biome.

What is the Zone called between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer?

The Tropical Zone

What is tropical zone?

The tropical zone is the part of the earths surface between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is the region surrounding the equator..

What is the difference between the rainforest and the savanna?

Rainforests are dense, tropical forests with high rainfall and diverse plant and animal species, while savannas are grassy plains with scattered trees and distinct wet and dry seasons. Rainforests typically have a closed canopy, while savannas have a more open canopy that allows sunlight to reach the ground. Additionally, rainforests tend to be more humid and biodiverse compared to savannas.

What latitudes is the tropical zone between?

23.5 North and South

What is located between the tropical zone and the polar zone?

Those are the North and South Temperate Zones.